
Grip instead of suffer!

USA Company | 03. December 2018

Supporting entrepreneurship in poorer countries: For Brigitte and Christian Müller, the decisive key to a world with less poverty

W. MÜLLER GmbH, a leading global supplier of highly specialized blow molding heads and high-end extruder technology, has joined the international aid organization Oxfam's Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs network - an initiative that helps energetic people in poorer regions of the world to build an economic existence on their own. 

"We know from our own experience how much creative, hands-on entrepreneurship can change the lives of many people for the better," says Brigitte Müller, who shares the management of W. MÜLLER GmbH, founded by her father, with her brother Christian Müller. "However, our father Willi Müller not only had the right idea at the right time when he developed his first PVC head over 40 years ago. But also the good fortune to live in an environment that allowed him to pursue his vision. And soon to employ people who helped him to further develop and constantly improve his ideas. Today the name W. MÜLLER is known all over the world. But we know that by far not everyone has the opportunities that our father was able to use in his time. That's why we very much welcome Oxfam's Entrepreneurs for Entrepreneurs initiative and support it to the best of our ability." 

Lack of start-up capital and crises prevent entrepreneurial success 

In fact, according to Oxfam, around one third of all people worldwide still lives in poverty. Often there is not even a lack of good ideas for the way out of the misery but rather a lack of start-up capital and inadequate access to professional (further) education prevent people from taking their fate into their own hands and effectively improving their situation and that of their fellow citizens. "In addition, budding entrepreneurs in poor countries often have limited opportunities to respond to crisis situations in their environment: as a result, they hardly have the chance to build up the necessary resources to start a business or enterprise," says Christian Müller. He is responsible for technical management at W. MÜLLER - and therefore knows exactly how long it can take to bring great ideas to market maturity, even under optimum conditions. 

Oxfam, one of the most influential international development organizations, excels at finding practical, innovative ways to improve the situation of budding entrepreneurs - together with local partner organizations and the people on the ground. Particular emphasis is placed on support through flexible funding. According to Oxfam, poverty can only be overcome in the long term if fairer conditions are created and people can access emergency aid quickly and unbureaucratically, even in the event of crises and disasters. 

Flexible funds and emergency aid after crises keep businesses afloat 

"With this security behind them, plucky people in poorer regions of the world can concentrate on their idea and generate an income that won't be immediately gone when the next crisis hits," says Christian Müller. A secure income feeds families, creates access to schooling and medical care - and brings jobs, which in turn give even more people a chance at a better future. 

"Our company is a good example of how good ideas can make the world a bit more interesting. We hope that the Oxfam initiative will help even more of them see the light of day. And not be nipped in the bud due to lack of resources, but be given the time to grow - like our father's vision," said Brigitte and Christian Müller. "We are therefore delighted to be able to work together with Oxfam for a world without poverty."